Here are some additional resources to help you understand, recognise and treat Delirium:
1. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: Delirium Overview
2. Royal College of Nursing: Don't Discount Delirium
3. SIGN, Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Risk reduction and management of delirium
4. ICU Delirium
An American site focusing on research in the intensive care unit. This site has a great introduction video and please check out the resources at the top of the page.
5. Geri-EM | Personalized E-Learning in Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Despite being Canadian this e-learning site does provide some really good video clips and related questions to support learning. Watch out for the difference in drug names and the use of the term "violent" and "aggressive" when describing behaviours of distress in delirium. You are asked to register but there is no need to.
6. Dementia UK: Delirium guide
7. Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Delirium Toolkit